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Employee Spotlight - Chloe Chow

Curious to know more about Breaktime Media and our amazing team of talented individuals? Well, now you can! This month, we’re shining our Employee Spotlight on Chloe Chow, our Lead Content Producer.

September 21, 2023

Get to Know Chloe Chow

Chloe is responsible for overseeing all things content for Breaktime's clients, from ideation and strategy to production and delivery. She ensures the copy is engaging, impactful, and on-brand while bringing the client's vision to life. She also manages the content strategy and execution for Dailybreak and Best Daily Recipes. Internally, Chloe helps meet content creation needs across the organization to elevate product messaging.

To learn more about Chloe, read her interview below!

My favorite part about working with the content team is...

The fun dynamic we share while working together to come up with creative solutions, write cool copy, and hit deadlines! I love that we support, problem-solve, and check in with each other.

The most unique part about my role at Breaktime Media is...

The collaboration that happens with different teams across the org, from coming up with thought starters to brainstorming content strategy. It's all part of the process to bring an idea to life. Content is the core of what we offer, and I love being able to work with epic brands and brilliant people every single day!

Something that helps me overcome "writer's block" is...

Talking through challenges with my team. They constantly inspire me! Getting different perspectives always helps me open my mind to new possibilities and unexpected outcomes.

My personal mantra or motto is...

"That's show biz, baby!" You just gotta roll with the punches, you know?

If I could eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be...

Soup. Sushi came to mind first, but I'd probably get mercury poisoning. Anyway, back to soup—I'm a big fan. Clam chowder, french onion, miso, ramen, chicken noodle, creamy tomato...let's go.

If I could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, it would be...

Tim Robinson. Just to be clear, he's very much alive. His absurd, over-the-top sketches from "I Think You Should Leave" live in my mind rent-free. They just don't make sense, but I love them.

I love Breaktime Media because...

I love being able to create fun and engaging content for amazing campaigns, it's really the people that make this job so special. I couldn't have asked for a better team!

Want to learn more about the rest of the team at Breaktime Media? Read more employee spotlights here, or reach out to us directly!