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Employee Spotlight - Nancy Wolfe

Curious to know more about Breaktime Media and our amazing team of talented individuals? Well, now you can! This month, we’re shining our Employee Spotlight on Nancy Wolfe, our Client Services Manager.

July 27, 2022

Get to Know Nancy Wolfe

Nancy works with our amazing clients to help communicate their campaign visions and partners with our incredibly talented team at Breaktime in bringing everything to life.

To learn more about Nancy, read her interview below!

The most rewarding part about working in client services is...

Getting to work with both new and existing clients collaboratively on brand initiatives that are a part of my everyday life with a team of the most creative and compassionate people!

If I could describe client services in one word, it would be...

Evolving! From the relationships themselves, to the brands and industry, there are always new things to learn and build on. I love that no day is quite the same!

I love working with CPGs because...

These are a part of our everyday lives in some form or another, or they may be brand new to the market. Either way, it is so much fun to understand brands from a different lens, and to work with CPGs that I may not have known about before getting to work with them, which have now become a part of my shopping list!

My next travel sport is...

Lake George! I have never been, and am very excited to share some time with my extended family in NY! Also hoping it's just a little bit cooler than Georgia :)

My personal mantra or motto is...

If you haven't changed your mind on a few firm beliefs you thought you would always have, you aren't experiencing enough in life!

If I could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, it would be...

Nelson Mandela or Robin Williams!

I love Breaktime Media because...

Working at Breaktime is waking up each day and getting to work with a team that is epicly creative, deeply passionate, and genuinely caring about each other and the work we all create! Dream team, incredible clients, and brilliant content creation!

Want to learn more about the rest of the team at Breaktime Media? Read more employee spotlights here, or reach out to us directly!