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Industry Spotlight - Jenny Roesner

Interested in knowing more about CPG industry professionals? Well, now you can! This month, we’re shining our Industry Spotlight on Jenny Roesner, Shopper Marketing Manager at Unilever!

September 13, 2022

Get to Know Jenny Roesner

To learn more about Jenny, from the best advice she's received in her shopper marketing career to the one thing that makes her the happiest, check out her interview below!

I love shopper marketing because...

It really is that intersection of retail, brand marketing, and sales. We have so many stakeholders, but that’s the fun part. The retailer has their strategies, the brand has their objectives, and the sales team has a financial goal to hit and it’s our job to pull it all together and create shopper programs that deliver on everyone’s goals. While we listen to each team equally, it’s also our job to be shopper-centric. Meaning fully understanding our retailer and shopper (or guest in Target lingo); what will inspire a purchase and drive conversion? While the upper funnel and lower funnel are still relevant and shopper marketing is a connector, it’s more and more a non-linear marketing economy and I love that we get to be at the epicenter and the hub of it all.

The best advice I've received in my shopper marketing career is...

When I worked at Target corporation, we had a CMO who was not even “old” at the time, but he would say “I’m old and if something scares me, then that’s probably a good thing." What he meant was, get out of your comfort zone! Great ideas can come from anywhere and anyone. If your initial reaction is that you’re scared because it’s too big, too audacious, or not something you’ve ever done, then that’s the kind of idea you probably want to dig into. Just because something scares you doesn’t mean it’s not worth your time; it could be the very thing that’s going to be a game changer.

The coolest or most important trend I see today in CPG is...

The rise of retail media networks. Retail media networks are fundamentally changing CPG budgets, strategies, and the way companies go to market. I don’t think this is a fad or will die off. If anything, as retailer media networks continue to harness the first-party data and insights they have on their shopper, their importance in the shopper marketing ecosystem will only become more elevated. What I am excited to see is how retailer networks continue to evolve and grow their suite of tactics as well as partner with other vendors to bring a well-rounded shopper-led solution forth.

If I weren't a shopper marketer, I would be...

An entertainment reporter. I would love to be like Barbara Walters. I love people. I love talking to people. I love learning more about them, maybe I’d even want to make them cry in an interview. But then we’d cut to a commercial break, of course.

If I had an unlimited supply of one thing, it would be...

Space. I am a self-admitted hoarder, albeit a very tidy hoarder. I’m not keeping anything gross, but I do keep a lot of stuff. We have an event called the Parade of Homes where I live; you tour new houses to see what’s on trend and get decorating ideas. Yes, the kitchen and master bathroom are highlights but I’m always most excited if there is a large storage room – oh the blank space of opportunity!

If Hollywood made a movie about my life, the person I would like to see cast as me is...

Rebel Wilson. I am late to the Pitch Perfect party as I just saw the first and second movies a few weeks ago, but I adore Rebel Wilson’s character. I love her combination of witty humor and passion with a touch of sarcasm.

I'm happiest when...

I’m lying on a white sandy beach (sunscreen applied, of course) pretending like I’m going to read People Magazine or a good book, but then I actually end up dozing off for a mid-day nap.

Something I learned in the last week is...

Anyone can take a picture, but it takes a talented professional to bring out the personality and the uniqueness of their subject. My daughter is going to be a senior in high school, so she just got her senior portraits taken, and I was in awe at how the photographer built a rapport and seemed to effortlessly bring out her joy and energy. While many people have a camera, few can bring out the best version of a person in a photo shoot.

I love Breaktime Media because...

Breaktime Media offers something that I would argue no other vendor offers – they provide beautiful customized experiences that truly engage the user.

The people, the creative, and the differentiated service! Breaktime Media offers something that I would argue no other vendor offers – they provide beautiful customized experiences that truly engage the user. I’m always a sucker for a quiz that spits out what’s right for me. I’m also impressed at Breaktime Media’s top-notch customer service; they go above and beyond but consider it service as usual. And, they truly act as partners to solve a business problem.