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Industry Spotlight - Monique Mordica

Interested in knowing more about CPG industry professionals? Well, now you can! This month, we’re shining our Industry Spotlight on Monique Mordica, Omni-Channel Shopper Marketing Manager at SC Johnson!

June 15, 2022

Get to Know Monique Mordica

To learn more about Monique, from the best advice she's received in her shopper marketing career to her favorite travel spot, check out her interview below!

I love shopper marketing because...

I like the challenge of finding contextually relevant ways to reach and influence shoppers – delivering the right message/incentive at the right time when she is open to it. You need an omni-channel strategy because the path to purchase is more complex than it ever has been. And you must reach her how and when she’s making purchase decisions. I use “she” to humanize the shopper. Marketing won’t be effective if you don’t understand your shopper.

The best advice I've received in my shopper marketing career is...

Integration, integration, integration! I bet everyone’s Marketing Mix Analysis suggests that an integrated strategy more effectively drives that critical mental availability. An integrated strategy can make 1+1=3 – by maximizing awareness, engagement, Shopper Marketing consideration and conversion tactics at the same time. Effectiveness and efficiency metrics are much stronger vs executing one-off tactics in a silo.

The coolest or most important trend I see today in CPG is...

Capitalizing on the increase in ecomm-centric shopping behavior of consumers post-pandemic. And the rich data provides the roadmap, allowing you to understand how your shopper is different based on where she is shopping. Adopting a more dynamic approach to brand messaging drives relevancy with the shopper and deeper and more meaningful engagement with your brand. And data allows you to test, learn, redeploy, and learn some more.

In the past week, I learned...

That the best place in the world to see rainbows is in Hawaii. Add it to the travel list.

If I weren't an omni-channel shopper marketer, I would...

Do something in the creative space. I started out as an art director on the agency side of the business. I loved that part of my career and I’ve always tried to carry a creative mindset into everything I do.

My favorite travel spot is...

Any coastline, anywhere in the world. The sound of water and a gorgeous view, and I’m there.

If I have 30 minutes of free time, I like to pass the time by...

Being outdoors. I love to be outside or at the park with my pet. One of the first things I bonded with Chris and Josh at Breaktime Media over was our love for our pets! I also enjoy doing anything creative in my free time.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, the actress I would cast as me is...

Lisa Kudrow. I love her "Friends" character’s energy and creative spirit and unique view on things. She is always her authentic self no matter what anyone thinks. It’s so important to show up as your authentic self and create an environment where others can as well.

What I love about Breaktime Media is...

Breaktime truly becomes an extension of the creative team, sales team, shopper team, and marketing team.

They immerse themselves in the brand and create amazing, fun, engaging content for their consumer base – content that engages, drives consideration, is tied to conversion and includes a social lever to drive brand advocacy. They have a deep understanding for the consumer vs the shopper, offering customized experiences for specific retailers. Breaktime truly becomes an extension of the creative team, sales team, shopper team, and marketing team. I also love that I get to be involved in the creative process.